I thrive on crafting elegant solutions to complex problems.


Languages and Tools:

  • Android Studio
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Gradle
  • Maven
  • Junit
  • Jetpack Composer
  • Dependency Injection
  • IntelliJ
  • Spring boot
  • python
  • Linux
  • Bash
  • Parse server
  • Mongo DB
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Raspberry Pi
  • C++

Other Expertise:

  • html
  • css
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • React Native
  • Node.js
  • php
  • Vue js
  • Arduino
  • Visual Studio Code
  • C programming
  • opencv
  • pandas
  • pytorch
  • scikit_learn
  • seaborn
  • TensorFlow
  • scala
  • Embedded C
  • MicroPython


  • Udemy - Android Development Certificate
  • Skill Development for Mobile Game & Application Project
  • Agile Project Development
  • Java
  • Python
  • Robotic Competition Participation
  • Springer - Certificate of Appreciation

Work Experience (2)

Junior Android Developer
iFrostByte Inc.
2022 - 2023
(BD) Dhaka
  • Develop a personal finance management app (Cash Manager) designed to help users track their income, expenses, and savings. With a powerful visualisation tools, it simplifies financial management, allowing users to set budgets, analyse spending patterns, and achieve their financial goals.

Summer Internship
Encoded Ltd
May 2022 - October 2022
(USA) Middletown

Worked on Wort Spiel

  • During my internship, I actively participated in the creation of "WORT Spiel, a educational app with a specific focus on helping users learn the German language through word pair matching.

Published App

May 2024
Follow the link to Download from google play store. Details of the app can be found in GitHub

Projects (9)

Timer with Jetpack Composer
Jun 2024

What I have learned

  • Jetpack Composer
  • Corotine
  • LaunchedEffect

Goto github

May 2024

What I have learned

  • Server cloud storage skills with maps and GPS, which are perhaps the two most powerful aspects of mobile apps working together.
  • AWS, creating a new EC2 instance for our Parse Server code.
  • How to use Google Map SDK
  • How to setup google console cloud. restricting API.
  • How to search for a Location, adding **Marker**in map, Navigation,
  • Parse Query: inserting, deleting, updating and How to store GeoLocation.
  • How to get User Location and share location with other.
April 2024

What I have learned

  • Multi-Threading & Asynchronous Tasks: Mastered concurrent programming to enhance app performance.
  • Local Storage Solutions: Efficiently stored data locally for offline access.
  • Shared Preferences: Implemented shared preferences for persistent user settings.
  • Accessing Cache Files: Leveraged cache files to optimize data retrieval and storage.
  • Creating Temporary Raw Files: Generated and managed temporary raw files for transient data.
  • Web Scraping: Extracted and parsed web data using sophisticated techniques.
  • Downloading Web Content with Volley: Utilized the Volley library for robust network operations.
  • Jsoup Library Expertise: Proficiently parsed HTML content using the Jsoup library.
  • File Downloading with Apache Library: Seamlessly downloaded files with the Apache Commons library.
  • Online & Local Audio Playback: Played audio from online URLs and raw files with ease.
  • Data Object to File Conversion: Converted data objects to file objects and saved them in local storage.
  • Dynamic View Manipulation: Crafted responsive and interactive UI components dynamically.
Jan 2024

What I have learned

  • Connect to embedded microcontroller
  • Send data to microcontroller
  • Programmatically Connect to microcontroller WIFI
  • Reciving Data form microcontroller
  • Saving personalized data to Shared preferences
Jul 2023

What I have learned

  • User login signup
  • working with osmdroid
  • working with OSMBonusPack
  • MapBox turn-by-turn-navigation
  • access user current locaion with FusedLocationClient
  • Parse query
  • How to upload image in database
  • Accessing user camera
  • Chossing image from gallery
  • Customised Map marker
May 2022

What I have learned

Mar 2023

What I have learned

  • Creating chart
  • Offline Database
  • custom filtering of transactions
  • Customised Dialog Box
  • Advanced DataBase quary
Apr 2023

What I have learned

  • How to recive sensor data.
Apr 2023

What I have learned

  • How to recive jason API data
  • How to use Volley Library
  • How to send API request
  • How to make Asynchronous request

Education (2)

M.Sc in Applied Computer Science,
Computer Science
October 2021 - Current
(DE) Schmalkalden
B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering,
Computer Science
January 2015 - January 2019
(BD) Khulna


18 May 2021

Using Artificial Neural network, our team was able to train a model that can predict Heart Attack with 92 percent accuracy.







Native speaker

Jetpack Composer UI Design

Android Apps