
AmbientIQ: Smart Home Controller with Pinecone Android App πŸ“±

AmbientIQ : A Sophisticated Smart Room Ecosystem for Ultimate Comfort and Efficiency. Our prototype addresses the critical role of indoor climate control in maintaining the well-being of individuals, particularly those vulnerable to health issues stemming from insufficient humidity and tempera- ture levels. At its core, our system features a DHT22 sensor, a micro-controller Pinecone, relay switches, and wireless control options. The humidity sensor accurately monitors and controls humidity levels, while the temperature sensor finds the current temperature. In order to capture various signals from different sensors, the microcontrollerPinecone, processes data and adjusts the heating device and humidifier accord- ing to user preferences. Android application will be used as a user interaction point with the system, where users can set convenient temperature and humidity levels and monitor the temperature and humidity range. An Android app that is connected to a microcontroller via WiFi provides realtime information about current temperature and humidity levels. The app also enables users to make decisions about balancing settings for their comfort and health

Key Features:


PineCone BL602 Evaluation Board(EVB). It is based on the BL602 SoC and has a 32-bit RISC-V microprocessor, 276kB RAM and 128kB ROM.It is an open- source IoT development board with builtin USB to Serial, PCB antenna, and USB-C connection. It supports Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 and 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi. Also it offers 2MB Flash for pro- totyping IoT projects and features onboard LEDs, en- abling communication with the web application for real- time data visualization and notification delivery.

Project Preview

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Youtube Video: [Watch how it works Video]

Video Title

Android Build

compileSdk 33
minSdk 24
targetSdk 33


android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES" android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation"
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" android:maxSdkVersion="34"



User Data Collection

The app does not collect any user data.


Download AmbientIQ now and take controll of your room’s ecosystem. Make your life easy and comfortable.


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Development version :hammer:

Support :rescue_worker_helmet:

If you need assistance or want to ask a question about the Android app, you are welcome to ask for support in our Forums. If you have found a bug, feel free to open a new Issue on GitHub. Keep in mind, that this repository only manages the Android app.

Remarks :scroll:

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